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Some emoticons for the advanced writer
*:0 = "MY FACE IS ON FIRE!!!!"
!,! = "Hi. I am a rabbit"
% = "I feel like I am a mosquito looking directly at you."
|:( = "I am displeased with my unibrow."
<:( = "Pointy hats make me sad."
>:( = "Now my hat is upside-down and I don't feel any better about it."
(::::) = "I feel like I am the underside of a pregnant dog."
:*( = "You make me cry sparkly tears."
{:| = "I am a Frenchman."
Q:| = "I'm Davy fucking Crockett."
:$ = "I am trying to look unimpressed, but someone drew a squiggly mouth over my real mouth and this must be terribly confusing for you. I am sorry."
Hyperbole and a Half