Girl in pink - (Laughs), these little girls are hilarious by saying that they love these black gentlemen. It's obvious that you aren't the only person that loves them. These days, black gentlemen are not faithful because I have a few black companions that do that. But I won't tell, (laughs). But if only you knew what these black gentlemen do when their significant others aren't present. (Laughs), I am thoroughly enjoying my life.via
Person with hat - It's funny that you posted that, it reminds me of a male that looks for a female to simply have sex with, only to get their feelings hurt by unintelligent women.
Girl in pink - Yes, this is hilarious.
Girl in Pink - But I digress, there are large portions of the black populace that partakes in infidelity.
Person with hat - Exactly, these black gentlemen will say anything.
Girl in pink - I try to warn my friends of their deception, but they won't listen. It seems that they must learn their lesson the hard way.
Person with hat - They aren't ever going to learn because they haven't realized that playing games with these black gentlemen isn't cool.
Girl in pink - And how.
Person with phone - I agree, (laughs).
Girl in pink - (Laughs)