Mugshot of the day: man who swallowed a bag of cocaine

At least they say it was cocaine. They don't know for sure.
Members of the street crimes unit patrolling Franklin Street saw a car turn onto Pearl Street without signaling. They stopped the car on nearby Union Avenue, but when they spoke to Taylor, he refused to give them his license or registration, Brandolini said.

"He made a quick movement to the center console, and there was small baggie with a white powder in it," Brandolini said. "He immediately made a movement to put it in his mouth."

An officer tried to stop him, but Taylor kept pushing his arm away. The officers dragged Taylor from the car, and he started fighting with them in the middle of the road.

By the time officers handcuffed him, Taylor had swallowed the bag, Brandolini said.

Police used a dog to search the car for other drugs, but nothing was found. Taylor, of 624 Hollis St., was arrested and charged with assault and battery on a police officer, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and refusing to give police his license and registration. He was also cited for not using a turn signal.
MetroWest Daily News