How to dance

According to scientists, there's good dancing and there's bad dancing:

Scientists identify moves that make men irresistible on the dancefloor:
A team of psychologists used video footage of men strutting their stuff to pinpoint the killer moves that separate good dancers from bad.

Neave's team recruited 19 male volunteers aged between 18 and 35 and asked them to dance to a simple drum beat in front of a video camera for 30 seconds. To capture the dance moves, 38 infra-red reflectors were attached to their clothing. These produce bright spots that allow the movement of every limb and joint to be tracked and studied in detail.

Men who were judged to be good dancers had a varied repertoire and more moves that involved tilting and twisting the torso and neck.

But the majority of men displayed highly repetitive moves that used their arms and legs, but not the rest of their bodies.