George trailer

Seinfeld re-cut:


Mapping stereotypes

Europe according to France:

You may also remember the Europe according to Hungarians map i've previously posted, which for some strange reason is not included in this collection.

Thanks Reea



Guy dancing with sunflower


Star Wars paintings

By artist James Hance.

More of his Star Wars themed art - here

2 Girls, 1 Cup reactions

2 Girls 1 Cup - a project by paul shen | via

PC vs. Mac


How to deal with annoying people

The High Definite

Irony of the day: Goose with 26-inch arrow in chest lands in vet's garden

Story - here

In Soviet Russia...

Very Demotivational

Chinese man marries cardboard cut-out of himself

"There are many reasons for marrying myself, but mainly to express my dissatisfaction with reality," he said.

Link | via

Pat on the back


The Beaster Bunny

Huge rabbit is huge.

Darius the Continental Giant is 4ft 3in from nose to tail and still growing, and he's been crowned the world biggest rabbit

Read more about him - here

Adolf Bieber


Can you recognise the song?

Link, if you can't.


Naming FTW

Serious Organised Crime Agency is serious.

Also: Why so serious?


Top Bret Michaels sexiest photos

The original glam rock douchebag?

More: The 20 "Sexiest" Bret Michaels Photos

Can you do this?


Bali 'Gigolos' arrested for selling sex to tourists

Ladies, bad news:
INDONESIA has detained 28 "beach boys" accused of selling sex to female tourists on Bali after a documentary on the resort's "gigolos" hit the Internet.

The round-up of Bali's so-called "cowboys" began as tourism officials fretted over the impact of the film on the holiday island's image as a family destination.

"We've rounded up 28 men we suspect might be gigolos. They're young, fit-looking and tanned, mostly surfer beach boys," I Gusti Ngurah Tresna, the chief of security on Bali's main Kuta beach, said.
Link | via

Jesus owned


Painting of the day: Mario Crossing the Mushroom Kingdom


Types of mustaches

By font.


Where the money goes

From Sketches of the Drug Czars | via

Chinese Swiss army shovel

Fuck you flowers

The Big Caption

Nebula gives you the finger

From the Keyhole Nebula | via




Mascot performs backflip dunk off ladder

If you have a mascot, please know that it will never be as good as Bango, the Milwaukee Bucks mascot.


Jesus spotted on Google Maps

In Püspökladány, Hungary.

Link | via

Michael Jackson phenakistoscope

Yes, phenakistoscope. You spin it and it looks like this:

Epic Thriller, by Kelly Coats | via

24 rooms in a tiny apartment

Question: can you fit 24 rooms, including a cinema, a spa and a space for a hammock, into a 344-square-feet apartment? Of course you can. Just ask this guy:


Periodic Table of Controllers

The history of video game controllers, from 1972 to 2009. I did not know there were so many of them.

click to embiggen

This is V.2.5. There's also the original.

By Mike Vasilev.


Taking the dog for a swim


Chatroulette on live TV

You can imagine what happens.


Movie recommendation of the day

Scenes from the Filipino horror-fantasy, The Killing of Satan

Check out the trailer.

Everything Is Terrible

Thanks Reea

Meanwhile in Ukraine...

You know, just debating the bill...

More pics from the massive brawl - here

All the Wrinkled Ladies

Anita Renfroe feels that Beyonce may have left out a category of women who need some recognition and sends out this parody to women of a certain age who aren't afraid to shake it like a Polaroid pick-cha.

A wolf that looks like a fox on stilts

A five-year old wolf is the toast of a wildlife park in Cambridge because of it's incredible ginger coat.

The rare creature, named Ruby, resembles a giant fox thanks to her bright red hair and is causing quite the storm at her home in Hertfordshire.

Zoo manager, Haley Kelly, said: 'When people see Ruby the first time they say "what on earth is that." I was the same.

'She is a beautiful specimen but doesn't look like a wolf. She's compared to a large fox or dingo.

Crowd surfing fail


Emoticon stamp

7 belts, 20 symbols, over 2000 emoticon possibilities.

Kaoiro - $51 | via

Soldiers in Afghanistan re-enact Lady Gaga's Telephone

Proof that spending time in the army makes you gay:P


Unorthodox grocery list

Found in a Seattle parking lot.


Update: Apparently, it's fabricated.

'Flight of the Bumblebee' on an iPad

Legendary pianist Lang Lang does it as an encore at a concert in San Francisco.


Car stereo system vs. Red Bull can


Man ate, drank nothing for 70 years

At least, so he says.
Indian military scientists are studying an 82-year-old who claims he has not had any food or drink for 70 years.

Prahlad Jani is being held in isolation in a hospital in Ahmedabad, Gurjarat, where he is being closely monitored by India's defence research organization, who believe he may have a genuine quality which could help save lives.

He has now spent six days without food or water under strict observation and doctors say his body has not yet shown any adverse effects from hunger or dehydration.

Mr Jani, who claims to have left home aged seven and lived as a wandering sadhu or holy man in Rajasthan, is regarded as a 'breatharian' who can live on a 'spiritual life-force' alone. He believes he is sustained by a goddess who pours an 'elixir' through a hole in his palate. His claims have been supported by an Indian doctor who specializes in studies of people who claim supernatural abilities, but he has also been dismissed by others as a "village fraud."

Slave Leia car wash

From the G4 Star Wars Charity Car Wash that happened this past weekend in LA.

More pictures from the event - here, and other videos - on Chris Gore's Youtube channel.


Parking fail of the day

Spotted by redditor Destos at his workplace.

Update: Story - here

Funeral of the day: dude on a Honda

David Morales Colón here is a 22-year-old Puerto Rican who got killed in a shooting last Thursday, and apparently he wanted an open-casket funeral because at his wake he was on display, riding his Repsol-liveried Honda CBR600 F4.

Brought to you by the same guys responsible for the guy standing at his wake.

Autoblog | via

Ceiling Kitty is watching you

Ceiling Hello Kitty

Seen in Toy Joy in Austin, Texas.


Eyjafjallajokull vs. Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris vs. the volcano


Intelligent bird is intelligent

This crow is smarter than some people I know.

Complex cognition and behavioural innovation in New Caledonian crows:
Apes, corvids and parrots all show high rates of behavioural innovation in the wild. However, it is unclear whether this innovative behaviour is underpinned by cognition more complex than simple learning mechanisms. To investigate this question we presented New Caledonian crows with a novel three-stage metatool problem. The task involved three distinct stages: (i) obtaining a short stick by pulling up a string, (ii) using the short stick as a metatool to extract a long stick from a toolbox, and finally (iii) using the long stick to extract food from a hole.

People who wear Che Guevara t-shirts

Che Guevara T Shirts vs. The People Who Wear Them


Kitten stuck in patrol car

Patrol car cat is watching you.
A four-week-old kitten that spent two hours stuck in a police highway patrol car bumper could well be Sydney's luckiest cat.

The kitten used up one of its nine lives when it leapt into the moving vehicle and got stuck inside the bumper cavity.

Cats have a secret meeting


Obama singing

Every once in a while, you have to ask yourself: can you sing your national anthem as well as your president?


Earth from Mars

This is the first image ever taken of Earth from the surface of a planet beyond the Moon. It was taken by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit one hour before sunrise on the 63rd Martian day, or sol, of its mission. (March 8, 2004)
Earth from Mars

Ostrich attack

Ostrich attacks kid. Father kicks ostrich's ass.


Happy Birthday bulldog of the day

If the original Smiling Dog looked like TrollFace, this dog looks like AwesomeFace.


Landslide in Taiwan

Photo from the massive landslide that happened in northern Taiwan this Sunday.

Taiwan landslide buries highway

Check out grandpa's moves

Old man dancing at the T-Mobile center at CES 2009.


You may ask yourself

Philosoraptor 2012


A surfing sheep


Elephant help

Helpful elephant is helpful: Elephant provides breakdown assistance to zoo keeper:
Lawrence Bates was all set to call for assistance when his jeep at West Midland Safari Park broke down, until Five the elephant decided to give him a helping hand.

The 18-year-old African Elephant got behind and pushed the car out of trouble and out of the enclosure.



Computer threats breakdown



Movie review


Join the force

Small penis?


Ukrainian Parliament debate FTW

Ratifying the extension of the lease of Sevastopol's naval base to the Russian fleet in a very un-orderly fashion:
Ukraine's parliament has turned into a battlefield with politicians setting off smoke grenades and throwing tomatoes over the ratifying of extending the lease to Russia's Black Sea Fleet of Sevastopol's naval base. The same ratification process is underway in Russia's State Duma - but it is passing through a lot more quietly.
Russia Today | via

Louis Vuitton models

The Fall 2010 models, from Laetitia Casta to Elle Macpherson, 'au naturel':

click to embiggen

And here they all are on the catwalk, in the exact same order. (slideshow)

And here they all are combined.


Awesome staircase idea of the day

Imagine having to have to carry an armoire on that.

Created by crazy architects Sabina Lang and Daniel Baumann, who added them to the 10th and 11th stories of the Congress Hall in Biel, Switzerland.

Gizmodo | via

History of art

